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How does it feel for T&T to win Gold after so many years?

It feels as though heaven has shone its light upon us for the world to see our greatness.

We are a small nation, that is T&T, and we have beaten the world of 7 billion!

Keshorn Walcott's winning Gold in Javelin makes him the best one in 7 billion!

He is ah trini tuh de bone!

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I knew that a patriot as you would have been very intrigued with that question!

Your recommendations have merit.

What do you think about managing the issue at the cultural level.

This is the level where you no longer have to convince anyone to do what is needed.

When the goal is to affect society at the cultural level, things becomes as natural as mauby and sweetbread, or roti and a red solo.

This also explains the predominence of soca and steelband music within our society.

Touch the people at the cultural level and all you have to do is get out of the way!

What do you think at this approach, Emond?

Krew Love!

Cosmic Oracle, The approach  you have ask me to comment on in managing this issue at a cultural level. .I must say should take some serious consideration.You mentioned mauby and sweetbread,roti and red solo and soca and steelband in your examples where we no longer have to convince  anyone to do what is needed.I believe when dealing with our  cultural heritage it is easier to relate your examples rather than including sporting activities in the mix.When we look at the organizations that governs these institutions are we happy with how they are run ? introducing sporting activities as  part of our cultural mix will take some doing.We as a people have not grown accustom to enough success at the level of sport in general  that will make it easy for us to support on a consistent basis.Therefor help must come from all levels of the society only then will we  be able to manage this issue at the cultural level suggested.  Emond. 

Hi Emond.

I admire you ability to see the light in the suggestion that approaching the solution at the cultural level has merit.

You mentioned that it will take some time and effort to accomplish.

I agree with you. We have already seen it work with our people where focused time and effort has impacted culturally on our habits.

I am sure that you are old enough to remember when the workforce used to come to work with their lunch bag; remember the multi-level enarmel food container called the Carrier, and the Thermos flask?

Well KFC and the fast food industry has proven that our culture is amenable to sustained and focused attention.

In a few months you will see that KFC will tell our females that they no longer need to cook Christman lunches. They have been doing so for several years. It must be succeeding. They have succeeded in changing our eating habits from leaving home our lunch bags to selecting the foods that makes our dietitians (and our families) cry.

My point is the with enligntened leadership our country can develop a culture of international success within our sporting disciplines that will make pale our past successes.

Make no mistake, we have achieved success in the past. It is only that we should be able to commercialize that success so that a greater number of our citizens can benefit economically, not to mention healthwise, from physical activity, (Sport).

What are your views on the points that I have expressed?


Krew Love!

Hi Cosmic Oracle  Excellent Points !!  Thanks for remining me of  those days when the worldforce went to work with our Thermos flask we even took them to school.The world in now transformed into a marketing revolution where everything good or bad is glorified as being good for us. I agree with you  enligntened leadership our country can develop a culture of international success within our sporting disciplines that will make pale our past successes.Yes we have achieved great success in the past but the leadership then did not think the achievements merited commercialising to the extent where we could have benefited economically.Hopefully our present leadership will take a different stand  and promote the success of our athletes where economically  and physically  our nation  can benefit .In my opinion sporting activities is one of the most useful tool that can be used  along with a good diet  to a healthy lifestyle.Therefore serious investment in this activity can only bring huge benefits for all. Love Emond.

Hi Emond;

Thank you for your comments on my opinions. I really appreciate your opinions.

You are a sage in your perspective that marketing has blurred the distinction between what is good and what is bad.

This requires an individual to be more knowledgeable about his interest.

This can happen only if we de-isolate our selves from their incessant onslaught by joining groups possessed with a passion for supporting our special interest. This is also an effective way to stay focused.

Do you know of any other persons whom are in such passionate groups that will support sport in the way we see it?

Cosmic Oracle, I have a few friends who share an opinion, they may not necessary agree with us but they have a passion for sport and may come on board if invited.I will extend an invitation to them and see what is their response.  Emond.

Hi Karen  Welcome its nice to know you are striving for " GOLD" I am sure you will achieve  go for it. Blessings Emond,


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