A Krew Folklore To Demonstrate The Merits Of Pragmatism
(The story of Trinizya of Triniland, her relationship with Santa Claus; and her twin sons, Bam and Cee)
Note To Reader: Be Warned! This folklore demonstrates the value within pragmatism versus wishful thinking. It is intended to challenge all you thought you knew, and ultimately to get you to act appropriately to make this world a better place to live.
It Is Total Fiction! But It Will Change Your Life!"
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a beautiful young maiden named Trinizya. Trinizya lived in Triniland.
Now Triniland was a community who loved Santa Claus and lived their lives for Santa. Everybody wanted to know what Santa wanted of them, so that they can please Santa and get gifts from Santa.
They were so eager and fanatical about pleasing Santa, that they were often quite violent and intolerant of anyone who said or acted negatively towards Santa.
In fact Triniland built a complete way of life and developed its worldview around understanding the teachings and nature of old St. Nick; you know, that fat guy who visits every home on Christmas Day.
Several Trinilandians, as persons living in Triniland were called, grew quite powerful by confidently asserting their special, even personal relationship with Santa Claus. They wielded great power by claiming to be able to interpret what Santa wanted, and how to please Santa, so that Santa will solve all their problems and fulfill all their wishes.
These powerful Trinilandians were called Shintists. Shintists lived among, or had access to the upper classes in Trinilandian society. They made a profession telling the community exactly what Santa wanted and exactly how to do so. No other views were tolerated.
Now it so happened that in Triniland there lived a fair maiden, a virgin named Trinizya. Trinizya lived a good life. Trinizya wanted Santa to grant her whatever she wished. Therefore Trinizya regularly visited with many of the best known Shintists in Triniland. Trinizya was well known for her virtue and loyalty to good old Santa Claus.
It so happened that at one time, Trinizya visited a dear friend and saw the beautiful newborn identical twins of that friend. Overjoyed and overwhelmed, she exclaimed; “One day I want to have twins just like that!”
As life would have it, on Christmas Day that same year, Trinizya announced to her community that she was with child. She claimed that her conception was a Christmas gift from good old Santa. In other words she boldly proclaimed that she had laid with no man and Santa fathered her child in fulfillment of her wish made earlier that year.
Now Triniland was a very intolerant society. If her explanation was not accepted she would be put to death for shaming her community for being with man outside of wedlock.
Knowing that she was virtuous and had made that wish earlier that year, all the Shintists believed her; especially as she claimed that her pregnancy was a gift from Santa. So Trinizya was able to convince the Shintists that her pregnancy was a gift from Santa as a reward for her good deeds.
Now, her Shintists were only too glad to approve her claim because this would augment their power within the community, since her virgin pregnancy would support their assertions that Santa Claus grants the wishes of those who are good, especially those who make it a habit to regularly visit these very same Shintists.
This unquestioned support from the Shintists compelled the community to accept Trinizya’s explanation.
During her pregnancy the whole community was rejoicing; they eagerly anticipated the virgin birth. When her time came, Trinizya made twins; identical twins. She named her boys Bam and Cee.
Unbeknownst to all, one or these boys would change that society forever.
Both boys grew up being exposed to the very same teachings and experiences. However, as the old saying goes, you make the child but not their mind. And so it happened, one child took the teachings of the community, while the other did not.
When they became men, Bam became a Shintist, while Cee completely rejected the whole idea of Santa Claus as a worthwhile project with which to develop a world view to live one's life around.
Cee felt that there was a better way to live. Since childhood Cee had been contemplating upon the nature of existence as is observed in the real world; in other words he asked “What is reality?”
He continued to ask deep searching questions, such as; What exist; How does it work; and how can he make it work to serve his community. He observed that the real world was consistent. He observed that it was a pattern of cause and effect which created every new day. He observed that there was a law in these patterns that was called logic.
He observed that Logic helped him to better use his mind to reason and obtain answers to many of those deep questions that stupefied his ancestors. He found that the Shintists merely engaged themselves with creative talk. They seem to be quick to say anything that conveniently came out of their mouths, without offering any supporting evidence or proof.
To Cee the Shintists seemed to be more interested in power and wealth than in gaining knowledge about the world.
What was quite apparent but startling to Cee, was that these Shintists have been around and in control of the community for the longest while, but never have they produced any new useful knowledge or skill to improve the standard of living of the community. Cee found that when he used logic and his reason to better understand the world, he was able to produce new useful knowledge and skills to improve the lives of his community. What was most important, is that Cee discovered that when he ignored the teachings of the Shintists he got better results in every area of interest for improving the welfare of his community. This proved to Cee that he could disregard the sayings of the Shintists and not lose anything.
Additionally he discovered that he could use the concept of Santa Claus as merely one of his several approaches for seeking comfort, socialization and entertainment; while completely disregarding everything else known about Santa!
With this new world view Cee sought to make friends with similar minded persons in his community. Many were persons who devoted their lives to using logic, reason, and observation to better understand how the world works, and how it can be put to work for the community. They were called Scientists.
Cee and his scientists started to make progress in understanding the nature of success, health, wealth and happiness, but their knowledge and teachings often conflicted with that of the Shintists.
Bam, now the chief Shintist, was very displeased with Cee. Now it was brother against brother!
Bam decided to act first, before Cee could gain any more influence. Therefore Bam and his fellow Shintists called a meeting and got the community to expel Cee and his Scientist from the Community.
This is how Triniland ended up with two completely different communities ruled by the twin sons of Santa Claus and the virgin Trinizya; one community ruled by Bam and the other ruled by Cee.
So here you have it, two distinct communities in Triniland. Let us look at their worldview and way of life.
Bam City: This is the world view and life experience in Bam City.
1. Prefers to understand and work with Santa Claus.
2. Prefers to know what Santa Claus wants, and how to appease Santa Claus so Santa would bring good favour to those individuals who pleased him.
3. Benefits and empowers the Shintists, by satisfying the wants, needs and demands of Shintists; who claim to know Santa Claus.
4. Can be violent and intolerant of change or to new, different or opposing ideas; especially views the Shintists interpret as being opposed to the wishes of Santa Claus. Unwilling to discard false ideas or those that have proven useless.
Cee City: This is the world view and life experience in Cee City.
1. Prefers to understand and work with what exists.
2. Prefers to know what exists, how it works, and how to make it work in favour of the community.
3. Benefits and empowers their fellow men, by satisfying the wants, needs and demands of their fellow men.
4. Willingly accepts change to improve the welfare of the community, tolerant of new, different or opposing ideas, willing to examine all ideas for value that can be used to improve the welfare of the community. Willingly discards or disregards ideas that have proven false or useless.
1. Which city aligns more closely to reality; meaning which is more willing to know what exists?
2. Which society is more pragmatic; meaning which is more results oriented?
3. If you were to live in Triniland which city would you prefer to live in; and why?
4. Which city would enjoy greater success, health, wealth and happiness; why?
5. What do you think needs to be done to make your country, or sweet T&T, more like your preferred city?
6 What are you prepared to do to create the change you want in your country, or sweet T&T?
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