Contextual Overview
1) The KREW Community is a Movement that is dedicated to helping each other enjoy "A Better Way To Live" and to make this world "A Better Place to Live". This Movement considers any practice or attribute that runs counter to their Philosophies of Life, as belonging to the Philosophy of Death.
2) The Philosophy of Death is personified in Bratt, a marginally omnipotent, horrendous and nefarious being; or force in the Universe. Bratt is evil!!
3) According to the Community's folklore, Bratt represents all the negative forces that you encounter within your life and which conspire against your best interest to deny you Success, Health, Wealth & Happiness; Prosperity. What is worst, is that Bratt gets almost all of its power, inspiration and opportunity to work against you, from your very thoughts, words and deeds; including your inactions!
4) It is comforting to know that, according to the folklore, you can conquer Bratt, or avoid or minimize the devastating effects of the Philosophy of Death. However, the only method known to man for destroying Bratt or for eliminating Bratt from your life, is for you to consciously, deliberately and consistently apply the Philosophies of Life.
5) The KREW and its folklores are specialized in helping you to prosper while you exist in a mortal state. Therefore the Philosophy of Death is not an authority on after-death or after-life matters. Apparently the folklore seems to prefer to leave such matters to those whom are the specialists in helping you with managing immortality.
What, or Who Is Bratt?
1) Bratt is the arch enemy of the KREW
2) Bratt prevents you from enjoying Prosperity
3) Bratt is your most formidable enemy; ever!
Some Characteristics of Bratt
1) Bratt is never up to any good; and will make you lose your opportunity to prosper, by cunning you into destroying your relationships with things and people.
2) Bratt delights in anti-intellectualism; and will lure you into self-destruction whenever you neglect to think for yourself, or you neglect to act appropriately.
3) Bratt promotes disharmony, disorder, anguish, pain, long suffering and death. This is also the state in which Bratt is condemned to exist; it is the state of the living dead! Therefore Bratt is perpetually in a state of excruciating torment; and wants you for company!
4) Bratt flourishes by nurturing the fertile ground of your fears, greed, selfishness, hatefulness, indiscipline, hopelessness, inertia, intolerance, ignorance, vanity, lack of vision, lack of self-confidence, lack of leadership and lack of respect for authority.
5) Bratt applies the time-proven method of divide and conquer to isolate you for his heinous attacks. This method is most effective against you whenever you practise selfishness such as; arrogance, vanity, emotionalism, unforgiveness, greed or when you stray from the pack and attempt to go it alone.
6) Bratt hates you! Bratt does not what you to succeed in life. Bratt launches incessant volleys of attacks against you, whenever you organize your life and become a leader impassioned with a noble vision of change for betterment; or when you attempt to cooperate with others; or when you decide to participate in any group that promotes growth and prosperity. Bratt always try to destroy groups of two or more gathered together for goodwill. Bratt hates to be left out of your life. Bratt will do anything to intervene into your affairs and interfere with your prosperity. Don't make that happen!
a) You will notice that Bratt launches its most formidable attacks just around the time when you initiate your journey towards advancement. However if you hold the fort long enough, you will build strength against its attacks and the attacks become less effective and less frequent.
b) Then slowly, the time will come when Bratt realizes your determination and resilience is greater than it can bear. And suddenly it gives up! Bratt leaves you alone to enjoy your well-earned spoils; success!
c) At that time you will find that you are able enjoy the full rewards of your victory! Yea! At that time you can get anything in life for which you had fought! Enjoy to your full measure, but consume very judiciously! Therefore, be careful not to overreach; since you may vomit from indigestion due to overconsumption, then choke on your vomit, and die of greed! In your folly, Bratt will smile in cunning contentment and proudly sigh "Gotcha!"
d) Alternatively, if you failed to take-up your earnings to your full measure, and later you return for more, Bratt will resist you yet again. Bratt will attack you with even greater determination, severity, regularity and intensity than before!
e) Therefore your best strategy, whenever you start your journey towards success, is to ensure that your aspirations are exceedingly high. And when victory knocks on your door, open it wide to encourage and to feely let in all the glory and prosperity that you have earned, to your measure.
f) Most importantly, always remember to share your treasure and your glory with others. Remember and revere those upon whose backs have carried you to your success. Take the time and make the effort to give help to those whom are less fortunate than yourself. Yea, sharing gives you immunity against the risk of greed where Bratt cunningly and skillfully leads you to an ignoble demise due to your gluttonous self-indulgence. Sharing guarantees that you will secure an unblemished victory against Bratt!
7) Bratt can exist only whenever you, or those with whom you work, neglectfully or purposefully abandon the Philosophies of Life. Whenever anyone, especially when two or more, gather together to attack you unjustly, you can be certain that Bratt is leading their efforts; riding gleefully and triumphantly in its unholy chariot.
8) Bratt's ultimate goal is to lead you into the abyss of misfortune, shame, misery, destruction and death.
9) Bratt is helpless against the Philosophies of Life. Therefore your greatest protection against Bratt is to consistently utilize the Philosophies Of Life.
10) As the folklore has it, the one physical manifestation that Bratt is horridly afraid of, is the KREW's Logo. That's because this emblem of Hope, Love and Prosperity embodies the essence of the Philosophies of Life! You are wise to take solace from its symbolism and to use the KREW's Logo as your inspiration to help you to keep Bratt away from your life. When you do, you will perform your Wellness Activities and get the results of abundant Success, Health ,Wealth and Happiness; you will prosper!
A Gift For You
Enjoy this uplifting gift from the Beetles.
Artiste: The Beetles
Title: "All You Need Is Love"
Samuel Bernard
Plan Administrator
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Yes Indeed!! A tough pill to swallow for many.
wow! this is alot to digest, but you have made alot of sense.....this is interesting....:)
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