Wellness is Peace of Mind!
How To Benefit By Participating In A Krew?
If you want to succeed in life, say as a doctor. a preacher, or mechanic, you know where to go. However if you merely want to succeed in life, and achieve success, health, wealth and happiness, what is called peace of mind, there is no where to go. The KREW is that place for you to learn how to live life more abundantly, while you are still alive.
The problem in attaining goal of peace of mind manifests as the impact life itself upon your life. Life is distracting. In fact life is so distracting that it takes your attention away from your goals at will, and so often that you find great difficulty with keeping up. It is not unusual for you to either forget your goals or give up. You often start hot and sweaty and stop, never realizing when you have stopped. Or if you realize you have stopped, life's distractions will dull your motivation to restart, therefore you procrastinate.
This phenomenon is called the Start & Stop Syndrome (3S). It is the major cause of failure, regret, illness, long suffering and even death in the world.
Beating the Start & Stop Syndrome (3S) is impossible without support!
It is hard to stay motivated without help. Life has had billions of years of practice in getting its own way. Therefore the only solution is the use life as your ally. Let life compete with itself, and leave you free to achieve your goals, and enjoy peace of mind. Since life manifests as your relationship with things and people, and the most impactful element on your life is always people, then if you get people to be your ally, you will be ahead of the game in getting life to act as your ally.
This is the formula to succeed. However you need the right type of people.
You need people who can unite and share with each other to achieve a common objective. These individuals understand that sharing of their time, talent and treasure is the way to relate with each other. This is what they willingly do.
In this manner each member's effort is multiplied in the efforts and resources of every other. This is called synergy. It is the long sought elixir of happiness.
If only there was some dedicated group that helps each other it will solve the problem. Fortunately the KREW is that helpful group.
The KREW gives you options to join the right type of group called “Krew” (Note: only one capital letter here!) to help you to stay motivated long-term. You will stay active in your Wellness Lifestyle longer. If you stop, someone will help you to restart sooner. You get facilities and rewards to record your progress and compare your performance with fellow KREW members. Nothing measured, nothing gained!
Membership in the KREW is free! However the KREW does not encourage any dependency syndrome; hey, this is bad for your peace of mind! The KREW helps you to be independent and to prosper by helping others who will help you to succeed in life. You will achieve success, health wealth and happiness!
Types Of Membership
You can participate at any level among three (3) general classes of membership. In ascending order you can choose to be an Observer, Guest, Angel, Premium or Premium Angel member. You chose a membership class that most closely fits what you want to achieve. Note that Wellness cannot be given, received, bought or sold. You must earn it. Therefore chose a membership class that most closely meets your goals. You can change membership class at anytime in your lifecycle.
1) Observer
a) Your main interest is in Personal Development.
b) You self-identify with the KREW. You may or may not have registered your identity with the KREW. However you have paid no membership fee.
2) Guest Member
a) Your are interested in Personal Development and in Community Development.
b) You are a registered member who have paid your membership fee to participate in the KREW.
3) Angel Member
a) You are interested in Personal Development, Community Development, and Entrepreneurship.
b) You actively support the KREW’s Wellness Fund. You enthusiastically share of your time, talent or treasure with the KREW. You volunteer an annual pledge (Token) to the Wellness Fund of minimum (TT$1,200 per year) or more and acquire the status of Angel Member. You are an exemplar of the Philosophies of Life of the KREW.
c) At your own time and convenience, you may be moved to volunteer additional random pledges (Token) of any size into the Wellness Fund.
4) Premium Member
a) You are interested in Personal Development, Community Development, and Access To Medical Care.
b) You subscribe and support the KREW’s Medical Fund. You get medical coverage from the KREW’s Medical Plan. You enthusiastically share of your time, talent or treasure with the KREW.
c) At your own time and convenience, you may be moved to volunteer annual or random pledges (Token) of any size to support the Wellness Fund.
5) Premium Angel Member
a) You are interested in Personal Development, Community Development, Entrepreneurship and Access To Medical Care.
b) You actively support the KREW’s Medical Fund and its Wellness Fund at the same time.
c) At your own time and convenience, you may be moved to volunteer additional random pledges (Token) of any size into the Wellness Fund.
Benefits Of The Membership Classes
In general, at any membership level, except the Observer Member, you can get to lead a Mobilization Krew (as a Krew Chief) to get your Wellness Projects implemented to benefit your community.
A) Observer Member
1) You enjoy free Wellness Coaching and Personal Development to beat the Start & Stop Syndrome (3S). Unfortunately you cannot become a Mentor or Krew Captain or Krew Chief in your favourite Vocation.
2) You enjoy free subscription to receive the KREW's weekly ezine named, "Relationship Matters". This ezine discusses how to manage your relationships.
3) You can invite your friends and family into the KREW. This can save their lives!
4) You prevent sickness, achieve peace of mind and you prosper.
B) Guest Member
1) You enjoy free Wellness Coaching and Personal Development to beat the Start & Stop Syndrome (3S). You can even become a Mentor in your favourite Vocation. You can become a Krew Captain or Krew Chief to support your community.
2) You enjoy support and activities of the KREW Community (GeoNet) in your area.
3) You get uplifting discussions and help within the KREW’s Online Communities.
4) Enrollment in the Athletica Health & Fitness Plan. Measure the Wellness Lifestyle you practise. You get points and rewarded for your progress and success.
5) You enjoy free subscription to receive the KREW's weekly ezine named, "Relationship Matters". This ezine discusses how to manage your relationships.
6) You can invite your friends and family into the KREW. This can save their lives!
7) You prevent sickness, achieve peace of mind and you prosper.
C) Angel Member
1) Enjoy all the benefits of Guest Membership whenever you also qualify for those benefits.
2) You enjoy the benefits of giving something back as gratitude for the good you received. You benefit as a benefactor in your relationship with Things & People.
3) You get to voluntarily give of your time, talent or treasure. You enjoy the satisfaction of contributing generously towards the growth of the KREW. Your sharing with others is your most effective way to attain and enjoy peace of mind!
4) After Two (2) years and three (3) months of unbroken membership, you qualify to be appointed to lead Mobilization Krews possessed with maximum financial authority and a large budget.
5) If you are a member of an Angel Krew, (this is a GeoNet Krew of any combination of Angel Members and or Premium Angel members), the company will finance your idea, and invest in your favourite community development proposal (i.e. Wellness Project) that directly or indirectly benefits the members of the KREW. The company will give you every support to ensure that your Wellness Project succeeds. You will earn various coveted levels of recognition as you develop a reputation for delivering successful Wellness Projects that returns profit to keep the Wellness Fund viable long-term.
D) Premium Member
1) You enjoy all the benefits of Guest Membership.
2) You can choose to get Certification and Accreditation for your performance in your Wellness Lifestyle and or as a Functionary within your favourite Vocation.
3) With the Medical Plan you get access to medical care to save your life and to recover your health. Get rich reimbursement for your medical expenses.
4) You get immediate access to hospital beds in your medical emergencies; no inconvenience of paying a down payment for admission. You will get your personal GEMS ID card for each family member and for yourself. This benefit can save your life! Additionally, by helping others, you can get your Medical Plan fully subsidized!
5) You will enjoy the ability to meet the rising cost of medical care by selecting a most Perfect Plan that is a Perfect Fit to your Needs, Wants and your Budget!
6) You will earn Rewards, Awards and Recognition for your performance of your Wellness Lifestyle. Rewards go to subsidizing your Medical Plan for retirement.
E) Premium Angel Member
1) Enjoy all the benefits of Guest Membership and Premium Membership and Angel Membership whenever you also qualify for those benefits.
What Type Of GeoNet Krew Should You Join?
1) Members of the KREW are disciplined and respect their leaders at all times.
2) You use the respect for your leaders to help you to succeed in your Vocation.
3) A Vocation is any activity such as weight management or your favourite sport.
4) You join a GeoNet Krew to get support to practise your favourite Vocation.
5) You should use your GeoNet Krew to practise your Vocation in your social club.
6) When you are the leader of a GeoNet Krew you get the title of Krew Captain.
7) As a Krew Captain you report to the Chairman of your Community Committee.
8) A GeoNet Krew has a minimum of two (2) and maximum of ten (10) members.
9) Your GeoNet Krew is categorized based on the status of its enrolled members.
10) You enroll in a higher GeoNet Krew and get better access to the Wellness Fund.
11) Better access to the Wellness Fund means you can do better Wellness Projects.
12) You get the least Funds in a Guest Krew and the most Funds in an Angel Krew.
13) You should enroll at a level to qualify to join the best GeoNet Krew for you.
14) Do you really want to enjoy peace of mind? If you do, join an Angel Krew!
Types of GeoNet Krews
1) Guest Krew: Any member combination of Observer, Guest, Angel, Premium and Premium Angel member.
2) Angel Krew: Composed of any combination of Angel and or Premium Angel Members.
3) Premium Krew: Composed of any combination Premium and or Premium Angel Member.
A Gift For You
Be inspired to greatness from this missive from Whitney Houston.
This is the moment in time that you have been waiting upon to play your role in life.
Participate fully in the KREW and make this moment last for eternity!
Artiste: Whitney Houston
Title: "One Moment In time"
Samuel Bernard
Plan Administrator
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