Hi folks!
In last week’s editorial we discussed the importance of building and maintaining a habit or culture of respect in our relationships. I think that respect is something that is greatly lacking in our society.
To give you an example of how bad things have gotten in this department, I want to share with you something that my brother showed me.
I can’t remember the exact location of this event, but a man was knocked down by a vehicle and while he was lying on the ground bloodied, bruise and dying the people around his took photos of him and posted onto their Facebook account.
How disrespectful can someone get! Its not only disrespectful but also heartless! Images of the dead man appeared on various Facebook account. The perpetrators of this heinous act did not stop for one second to consider the effects of their action on the man’s family members.
Now-a-days everything is about being self-centered. People don’t respect the living far less for the dead. I hate what is happening to our society, we are fastly becoming a hasty, thoughtless and disrespectful bunch.
It is at times like these I really value what I do with the weekly eZine (Travel, Leisure, Food and Pleasure) it gives the opportunity to air some of my grievances in hopes that people who read it would wake up!
The KREW members who religiously assist me by submitting their contributions have invoked a great deal of change within the KREW. So I guess you can say that these KREW members are doing their part to help make this world a better place to live.
As we push forward, we need all the help we can get.
Please share with me your experience on this topic of ‘respect’. Be it your personal experience or if you have any suggestions as to how we can bring back the old time days where we respecting each other was second nature to us.
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