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I have been observing the crave for filtered water and cannot understand what is wrong with the normal pipe water that we all grew up quite healthy using for drinking and cooking.


Is this some kind of vanity that causes us to believe that we are so better than our foreparents that we need pure water when they survived with water from springs, wells and streams?


Can someone help me with this question.



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Filtered water versus Pipe (tap) Water

The crave in the use of filtered water is just the healhy alternative from what we now know. We should not see ourselves as better than our foreparents but as deserving of a better alternative since society is moving towards a fit, healthy and happy management lifestyle.

Though your query is between the pros and cons of filtered water and pipe (tap) water, I feel it is important for me to include bottled water into this discussion to help bring my explanation into context.

 I also think it is prudent to introduce the catalyst that may have forced an investigation into “Water for Sale”.

 The Coca-Cola Company and its brand name of bottled water, Dasani, have publicly highlighted one of the biggest misconceptions about the quality of bottled water. Dasani, used Pipe (tap) water as its source to provide bottled water. We can certainly delve into the details of the Dasani, fiasco however, the facts of this matter may not be extremely important at this juncture. None-the- less, as a result, we are now aware that dangerous chemicals and other contaminants are constantly present in our tap water.


Let me start by saying bottled water, due to several factors, is clearly not a healthiest or the purest alternative to pipe (tap) water. Also, bottled water is outrageously expensive when compared to the cost per gallon of pipe (tap) water.

 If one is choosing only between pipe (tap) water and bottled water, pipe (tap) water is plainly the more economical, and, in many cases, the healthier choice. Despite this assertion, pipe (tap) water does not remain without its problems.

 Pipe (tap) water is nowhere near free from dangerous contaminants (brought into public awareness by the Dasani, case).

Pipe (tap) water is one of the four most pressing health threats posed by environmental problems. The correlations between contaminated drinking water and cancer, learning disabilities, and asthma are becoming stronger and clearer.

 Even if pipe (tap) water has gone through municipal treatment it is often far from safe. In many cases, municipal water treatment facilities actually add dangerous chemicals to water in the process of treatment. Municipal water treatment methods are often old and outdated; consequently, they are simply incapable of dealing with the dangerous assortment of contaminants that may be present in drinking water. And, despite government regulations of drinking water through the relevant authorities, dangerous contaminants may still be present in drinking water, even after municipal treatment and even with the government's knowledge and approval.

While our governmental agencies set maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for a broad range of drinking water contaminants, these levels are not at zero. As a result, dangerous chemicals and other contaminants are constantly present in our tap water.

These factors lend rise to the most recent and innovative solution to the problems of low water quality has come about in the age of water filters (filtered water).


Filtered water currently provides the best and healthiest solution to the problems of both bottled water and tap water.

Water filtration removes more dangerous contaminants than any other purification method, and is uniquely designed to work with municipally treated water. The water they produce is not subject to phthalate contamination, and they are able to remove cryptosporidium from drinking water, a feat that neither municipal water treatment plants nor bottled water companies have yet managed.

Also, drinking filtered water is a much more economical practice than drinking bottled water. The pure water product of a water filter costs very little more than the untreated tap water. Furthermore, because water filters use no more energy than is already required to propel water through a home’s plumbing system, they circumvent several of the environmental problems of the bottled water industry.

As I see it, there is simply no better choice-for purity and economy-than filtered water.



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