I just can't stand the way some politicians take us common folk for idiots!!!!! its like they think that we are some bumb sheep that will just swolloow what ever they feed to us. Take Jack Warner and the FIFA issue......the man was caught on tape trying to bride the officials and yet he still saying that people trying so set him up!
What the hell!...Jack...yuh was busted! bow out with whatever remaining dignity yuh have left. At least yuh would still get yuh 30,000 euro pension! without FIFA and being a minister in your life, yuh go still live!
ahhhhhh politics, truly has a morality of its own.
Peace out!
Georgette yuh reeel like kanka, eh!!
Hm.. Why yuh doh gee de man ah chance!
He help plenty poor people! Ahn doh talk about football!
How much people yuuu help??
He is de bess minister we have! Ahn yuh dissing de man without murcey!
Jack yuh is meh boy! Doh bodder wid dem nah!
Forget FIFA ahn continue tuh gee wee good works in yuh Ministry of Works!
Ahn fogett Georgette tooo!! :)
Yuh achieve plentee in yuh life!
She jes jellous!
What happen Sam...like you vote for the People's Partnership or wah? how you take offence so? Even if he's a good minister, what he did was wrong. No amount of paved roads could fix that.
Now yuh want toh know meh business tuh tell everybody. I smarter dan dat! Anyway, anyting I say here is known to be a lie. So ah cud sah de trute anh because ah say it here, it have to be a lie.
Dis is de War Room. I cud lie to mean trute or say trute to mean lie.
Nobody should believe anyting ah say here. But a still wud not tell yuh who ah vote for.. it is my own bisness.
But yuh know someting; Jelloussy Kills!
Yuh still will not get from he pension.
An since he is meh pardner, ah go tell he not to fix yuh rode an dem, even if yuh bun dong yuh whole village wit tires in protess.
Den we go get we police pardners to lockup allyuh tale for littering an distroying de goverment rode.
Ha ha ha:)
Georgette, what u have with Jack, eh?. Allyuh leave Jack alone. Allyuh forgetting oh wat!! De man promise to get de money to fix the road in two weeks otherwise he resigning. The last time i check, jack still dey. Allyuh Take Dat! I tell allyuh, Kamla fighting for she boy. THATS THE MAN
I doh have nothin wit Jack, but I doh believe in the theory of "good goods in dirty paper bag". Its either something good or it ent good. Jack ent good! And as for Kamla, she better know wat she doin bcuz just now yuh go hear people start to chant for the silver fox to return. He's the real man to run tis country!
Good Evening All
Was looking at this thread and really thought that some ppl should talk bout things of importance that pertains to sweet ole T & T where Uncle jack is concern.......... Like All de flooding even doh he fixin dem roads all over de place. Hmmm FIFA.....& Jack is busom buddies wah about when yuh cah pass on deh roads wit craters
Forever Young, wit dat ansah, yuh sayin de tings dat makes meh sing!
Ah see yuh jes call meh pardner, "Unkle Jack!"
Like yuh is meh famallee or wat!?
Well, yuh jes geh selected on meh team.
Dey only lookin at bad, ahn eh lookin at de good he do.
Doh leh dem badmout we boy, ah'tall!
Together we go hit dem hard, we go hit dem reel hard!
Aye, famallee, like dey eh know wey dey is or wat? Dis is de War Room yuh know!
Like dey com here to geh mashup?
Tell dem tuh leeve we boy alone! If dey cyar say good, doh say bad!
Emm, we go Bun dem dong in de War Room!
4ever Y, kool it nah, GG jus want to see Uncle Jack KOed. Since he eh in FIFA and eh really the WORKS minister.
She jus want to see the coffen he standing in nail up for good.
Buh wah de hell happ'nin in here boyh!??...like all ah allyuh maaard or'wat!
I jess turn meh back ah lil bit, anh look how allyuh well bad-talking meh Jack in de public nah... anh even in smart too!
Ah cyah believe dat BenE C'rew so darm boldface to dress-up he tatta in royal clothes!
Wah he tink boyh…He feel ah dotish o'wat!?
He saying dat Jack dead ahready... he saying dat Jack in de coffen boyh, anh trying to soung like if he eh dissin Jack at’tall!
Nah nah nah nah nah!!!. Ah cyah take dat nah!
No, I eh takin dat so!
Jack, yuh know yuh is meh boyh! Yuh know yuh bizniss safe safe wid me... ent?
Yuh know dat I eh go puh water in meh moute tuh dis dem bad bad bad!
Here is wot we go do.
Tuh start, we go leh dem jackass bray!
We know dat dey cyah take away yuh bread.
In fack, me an you, we go make more money on dey head boyh! Den we go geh back som tuh de poor people anh dem, foh dem tuh re-elect yuh as Prime Minister in de next elekshon. Den dey cyah stop yuh! Anh Kamla go sorry for how she an all dissing yuh.
Dis go done dem for good!
Wah yuh say boyh, eh?
Dem feel dey smarter dan we... hmm.
Buh dem doh know dat you know dat I eh go leh dem hang yuh Jack!
Ah hope dey ready for a fight, yuh know... because in here is Endless War; we go bun dem!
Buh lok at kankalang deh Oracle boi i waz wondering who side yuh really on. Yuh really luv Uncle Jack or all de donsai allyuh go be taking from dem clueless ppl in T&T.
Ms GG a hope yuh talking notes Oracle two face and doh talk for Big B he just a hater.
Steups!!!!!!!! I eh no hater nah.
GG start all kinah crazy talk bout Uncle Jack Dis and Uncle jack Dat.
She say she see D man in ah VideoOOO tape, Me eh know bout dat. All I know is Cosmic Oracle backing Jack.....
Jack backing ah feller from D Middle East in FIFA **** and he hah Moneyyyyy.
GG say she see he Gehin Jack dollars in ah dark room, and Mr. Oracle get some from Jack and passing it out in Sando.
Cosmoc Oracle doh care how jack geh moneyyyyyy, he jus like how Jack operate and he Go replace Kamala wid Jack in the Nex Election.!!!!!!
NE how, Blame all the Bacchanal on GG. ah tink we should call she Ms. Kankalang GG.
Forever Young, I tought dat you doh like baccanal! Like yuh want to take up meh offer to meet it out in de War Room. Anyway, ah go gee yuh ah chance today. Yuh go geh away for now. Ah ha bigger fish tuh fry. Ah nuh ready to eat sardines today.
Ah real hungry an yuh go only wase meh time, since yuh is only now becomin tuh be ah smell on meh menu, buh yuh is not even a tase yet on meh tong. So ah hav tuh leeve yuh, ah use meh time to full meh belly wit big Ben, de traitar.
BenE C'rew I tought yuh was on meh side boyh! As two man, I tought dat yuh wudda support meh in dis!
Boyh yuh is ah reeeel traitar boyh! Yuh disappoint meh bad bad bad!
As man, ah was lookin fuh yuh support in de War Room boyh.
Buh it look like yuh curry favarin dem gyul anh dem by tryin tuh diss meh in front ah dem!
Ah wonda wuh yuh hav up yuh sleeve wid dem gyul boyh, eh?
Buh ah know dat dem gyul smarter dan dat! Yuh want tuh come in here anh play yuh is ah sugar daddy!?
Dey go take all yuh sugar talk anh leeve yuh tail tuh dry anh geh bunup in de War Room; yuh go see!
It good fuh yuh! Yuh traitar againse we mankine! Eht good fuh yuh!
Ah mus tell Jack about dis! Yuh go see! Yuh ole traitar!
Yuh feel dat because de FIFA chief decide tuh release all de socca secrets dat allyuh go geh a chance to hang meh Jack.
Jack smarter dan dat, boyh. Allyuh cyar ketch him in no noose. Not he!
Jack go leeve all ah allyuh tuh play wid de long rope dat allyuh tryin to set fuh him, an is Sep Blatter eself an all ah allyuh who go geh hang wid it. Mark my words!
Yuh go see! Doh play de fool wid Jack yuh know, he is meh pardner; he go bun allyuh!
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