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Imagine Mecca T&T


Imagine What Unity Can Do

Could You Imagine Brand T&T...

The Mecca of Medical & Wellness Tourism?


Let us start with the end in mind.


1)      A future where our oil and gas resources are depleted and we no longer depend on them for our salvation but the standard of living of our citizens is much higher than ever!

2)      A time when T&T is viewed as the benchmark and locus to get the best trained human resources in various technical and professional fields such as teaching, skills training, Medical, health, wellness, oil, gas and petrochemicals (process plant operation).

3)      A time when the world looks upon T&T as the place to source and arrange financing for projects in education, wellness and health.

4)      A time when T&T, and particularly Tobago, is the place where the best organic farms and organic food processing plants produce the most valuable and most desired organic products.

5)      A time when world citizens come to T&T in droves to receive specialized healthcare, including complex surgeries at competitive prices, from world renowned professionals at similarly well known institutions; and to recover in an atmosphere where the ecology and local culture is well flourished with Wellness.

6)      A time when the world’s best manufacturers and designers and proponents of health and wellness products look forward to their annual pilgrimage to T&T to attend  events associated with health and wellness; such as conventions, conferences, exhibitions, finals in worldwide competitions, wellness themed event tourism, ecotourism, cultural tourism, sports tourism, etc, all within the brand, T&T the Mecca of Medical & Wellness Tourism.

7)      In addition to its current brands, our carnival being branded as a Wellness Event! It is the largest Wellness Event in the World. Our soca music should be branded as Wellness Music. Could this be the single missing attribute required to get our music to be accepted worldwide?

8)     Imaging the world comes to T&T during the carnival season to participate in pre-carnival Wellness Events that focus on physical activities that integrate and showcase our natural and human resources.

9)     Imagine each year the world eagerly anticipates the arrival of the latest crop of soca music from our musicians, the most prolific musicians in the world. Ours are the only musicians in the world that never fails to produce a new crop of music every single year! Imagine that producers of fitness products, such as videos or live studio activities, use soca music as their accompaniment for their health and fitness products that need to be packaged with enticing music that stimulates the muscles to action (physical activity).

10)      Imagine the post carnival period (Lent) being promoted as a time for the world to focus on weight management, diet and nutrition! The period after lent can be considered as a period for intellectual upliftment. The months leading into Christmas can focus the world in building quality relationships. Yes! We have a whole calendar of Wellness Events naturally packaged right here within our local culture. Where is the messaging to shout-out this fact to the world?

11)      Imagine we integrate the use of the internet and social networks, with our diaspora, and leverage our worldwide carnival industry, including our prolific musicians and other entertainers (e.g. our humorists), to point the world to Brand T&T; the Mecca of Medical & Wellness Tourism.

12)      Imagine we leverage our educational institutions and our educated population to create Brand University T&T, where we produce the best artisans and professionals in various skills, including health and wellness, to satisfy the world’s thirst for our talented human resources. Why complain about the brain drain when we can earn valuable foreign exchange from this rich demand for our Intellectual Capital? Are we allergic to wealth generating opportunities? Brand University T&T can be leveraged to create brand Finance T&T for attracting money from the remittances of our worldwide T&T diaspora that works worldwide, and also money from other sources that are supportive of our cause, to make T&T the focal point for financing projects in education, health and wellness worldwide.

13)     Imagine Latin America and the Caribbean being recognized as the centre for Medical & Wellness Tourism. Imaging Brand T&T, being the Mecca of Medical & Wellness Tourism for the world, Brand T&T is the centre of all activity for this region. Brand T&T is the place that coordinates all Medical & Wellness Tourism activities within this region and the world. Imagine that all activities initially target this captive regional market, then the North American Market and the European market. Next is the Chinese market. Ultimately the world market is targeted and recognizes Brand T&T as being its inspiration and the focal point within this region.


The Power Of Belief 

1)      If you can imagine the possibilities of Brand T&T, then you can believe in Brand T&T.

2)      If you can believe in Brand T&T then you can deliver Brand T&T to the world.

3)      If you can deliver Brand T&T then you are responsible for its delivery for the benefit of the world and for your children, and their children.

4)      If you adopt that sense of responsibility then you will not depend on others to fulfill your obligations to realize your dream!

5)      Since it is your dream to bring to reality Brand T&T, then you are willing to do whatever it takes to inculcate your vision into the hearts and minds of every citizen, even the most lowly of our brethrens, until they adopt your passion and self-identify with your vision, and make that vision their own.

6)      You will coordinate our abundant resources of an educated society, our innovative talents, with our ubiquitous education system that is ripe for exploitation and expansion, our natural resources of good weather, abundant culture, ecology, geography, politics, world network of human contact, international relationships, diverse communication channels, and transportation plus our ability to access world finance.

7)      Most importantly, you will be willing to volunteer your time and efforts to influence the national consciousness to excite the decision-makers and influencers at all levels of society, to participate fully in the realization of this national objective that is Brand T&T.


The Power of One

1)      It is a well known fact that significant changes and advancement of mankind during man's history do not get their genesis from the masses acting in unison. Epoch-making changes usually start with the action of a passionate few; often only one insignificant person! Such is the nature of the Power of One!

2)      Are you prepared to be that one? Are you prepared to be that one with the power to positively impact upon the lives of others?

3)      If you are the one, then you only need to leverage your passion and effort into a successful movement among the masses by finding only a few others with a similar passion for creating Brand T&T.

4)      You will meet regularly with that passionate and committed few, who will serve as the impetus for impacting upon the masses, who seek to self-identify with a leadership to transmute the aspirations of the masses into their reality.

5)      Are you willing to be an active member of that team that is the committed few?

6)      Are you passionate enough about your dream and vision that you are prepared to act purposefully towards its fulfillment?


The Big Picture 

T&T should leverage and tightly integrate the following infrastructures:

1)      Education Systems

2)      Financial Systems

3)      Human Resource Development (Skills)

         i) Medical & Wellness infrastructure

         ii) Expertise in education, training, energy and process plant industries


The result will be a healthy, educated and highly skilled society that enjoys a higher than average standard of living.



The Challenge

1)      Plot the requirements to be satisfied between the end results that is your dream (Brand T&T), and the present situation.

2)      Harness the resources and influences of a few significant others to leverage your efforts and to build momentum.

3)      Set goals, assign human resources to the tasks, set deadlines, measure progress.

4)      Act now! Be a benefactor! Make the world a better place to live. Become an active member of the KREW!


It’s About Unity

1)       What is it really about?

2)       It’s about unity behind a vision and a purpose.

3)       Let’s grow the KREW together!

A Gift For You

Be inspired with this treasure from The Beetles.

Artiste: The Beetles

Title: "Imagine"

Samuel S. C. Bernard

Plan Administrator




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